Oberon metatron 4011 adn Positive Thinking for Your Health
Oberon metatron 4011
oberon metatron 4011
positive Thinking for Your Health
Positive thinking is an effective way to achieve mastery of bio-energy healing. Maintenance of a oberon metatron 4011 positive energy oberon metatron 4011 level in a healer’s own bio-energy field reduces stress and emotional tension in the healer and in others. Positive emotions and feelings and a positive mental attitude can improve the quality
oberon metatron 4011
of people’s lives and heal their bodies oberon metatron 4011 of illnesses and
oberon metatron 4011
On the other hand, negative emotions and feelings bring poisoning toxins to the organism. Strong negative emotions such as anger, spite, envy, jealousy, and fear make the endocrine system accumulate poisons in oberon metatron 4011 the blood. Anxiety, oberon metatron 4011 depression, and doubt can also cause poisoning of the blood. Passive and lengthy negative emotions are even more dangerous for health than active, sudden and momentary negative emotions. Negative emotions shorten the span of life. Treatment of physical symptoms with positive thoughts and statements was
Healers should have “a positive mind state” before they begin practicing bio-energy healing. Healers communicate with other people giving them energy. “Negative” energy cannot bring healing, only damage, and it is destructive for both a healer and a healee. Healing energy is “a positive” energy sent by “a positive mind, oberon metatron 4011.
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